Homemade Insect Repellent ~ no yucky chemicals!!!

Don’t like the chemicals…makes my skin LITERALLY crawl!! This is a great recipe to make ~ I used the witch hazel to make mine with a little oil to give it ‘staying power’… works great!



Natural insect repellent recipe


10 – 20 drops of citronella essential oil
10 – 20 drops of lemon essential oil
10 – 20 drops of lavender essential oil
5 mls of carrier oil. Choose from Wheat germ, Vitamin E, avocado, calendula, borage or apricot kernel.

One small spray bottle or jar for storing the mix.
Add five mls of your chosen carrier oil to the storage jar and then add the oils. The more oils added, the stronger the scent will be. Screw up the lid and shake well to mix. The blend can be massaged onto the skin when needed.

If the oil mix is too greasy, then add the oils to a base of distilled witch hazel – you’ll need 3-5 teaspoons.

An alternative way of applying the mix would be too melt 10gs (0.35oz) of Shea butter in a pan and stir in the oils. Once the mix has set and cooled it can be massaged onto the skin in a solid bar form.

The essential oils can also be used individually or alternatively tea tree oil can also be used on its own or in combination with any of the other essential oils listed. However, the scent of tea tree can be rather strong so may not be suited to everyone.


Trigeminal Neuralgia: More to it than pain

 As some of you may know, I have Trigeminal Neuralgia.  I was diagnosed in 2011 and had an MVD in 2013.  I had to leave the working world permanently Sept of 2013 because I now have Type II pains (intermittent, sporadic pains of undetermined lengths of time) instead of Type I (almost constant 24/7 pains) like it was before the surgery and so many triggers would bring on a flair up sooo often!  Here is an article I found on my FB group “End Trigeminal Neuralgia” and it is SO good!  It is hard to explain JUST how this feels, because I ‘look’ perfectly normal and try really hard to ‘put on’ that I’m not hurtling because I GET TIRED of always hurting.  But as this article says; ‘it is so much more than just the pain’ ~

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Trigeminal Neuralgia : More To It Than Pain

Trigeminal Neuralgia is a horrendous, painful condition. There can be no arguing about that. However, there is so much more to living with a condition like this than just the pain.Dealing with any chronic illness can be soul destroying. Life can change so much. Relationships change, and sometimes sadly fall apart. People often can’t continue to work, which can bring financial problems, which then bring on more worries.So many aspects of life can become affected by chronic illness.

Emotionally, living with chronic pain can be overwhelming. People often say they feel sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. How true that saying is. Pain from a condition like Trigeminal Neuralgia can also be incredibly isolating. People often feel so very alone with their pain feeling that nobody understands, and often, that people who should care, don’t. That in itself can bring about problems within relationships and lead to serious insecurities.

Then there’s the fatigue. It’s not just a tiredness which can be shaken off after a good night’s rest. People living with pain can become tired, physically and mentally. It can be emotionally draining.

People can become frustrated and exasperated by what their illness does to them. They want to be able to lead the life they had before, but the pain just will not allow them to do so. They can feel despair and hopelessness when treatments don’t work, and they can begin to lose hope that anything can help.

Panic, anxiety and fear are three emotions which nearly every chronic pain sufferer lives with. These emotions could stem from worrying about their job or how to pay bills. Could be worrying in case the pain will get in the way of a family celebration. Or it could simply be worrying about what the future holds. Sometimes, living in fear of pain can be as bad, and controlling, as the pain itself. Even people who have pain remissions probably worry every day in case their pain returns.

People can get impatient, snappy, and often  irritated about things which would never have mattered before. Possibly even over-sensitive. A joke, or a funny comment may not seem so funny to someone living with pain.

They can feel bitter and resentful at the changes in their lives. They may feel like a failure, feel worthless, feel they are a bad parent, spouse, son, daughter, sibling etc. They often feel that they just can’t cope with this new situation they are in. Life can seem so unfair at times…….

Depression can easily take hold.

This drawing has been used with kind permission from the artist Michel EL Hachem
More of his art can be viewed on his Facebook Page or his Devian Art page

Probably everyone, whether living with pain or not, has experienced some of those emotions from time to time. But when living with chronic pain, these emotions can sometimes take over. It becomes an effort to do anything. It can become easier just to disappear into their own world, because the pain is too much. Too much to deal with and too much to explain.

All of those emotions are completely normal. But, we do have to try to change what we can so that those negative emotions are not allowed to drown us. We need to learn to ask for help and support. We need to be 100% truthful, especially with our doctors. They need to know how we are emotionally so they can try to treat us as a whole person, not just to try to treat the pain.

Nobody should ever be ashamed or embarrassed to admit how they are feeling. Admitting it is very often the way to move forward. There is help out there and there are people who understand. Everyone needs a good support network. But sadly, not everyone has that. Sometimes online support groups are a person’s only real support. These are often run by people in the very same situation, so they do understand, and often, together, they can find a way to help one another.

If you are feeling like this, please reach out for support and help. Don’t let depression eat away. The further you go down, the harder it can be to climb back up, so it is important to reach out for help sooner, rather than later.

Living with chronic pain can mean a lot of learning. ‘Learn to accept’ are three very easy words to say, but accepting this pain is far from easy. However, accepting doesn’t mean that we have to like the change, but by accepting it, it can be a bit easier to find ways of coping with it. Learning to realize what we are capable of, so we don’t set goals that are too high. Learning to realize when we need to rest. Learning to relax. Learning to make the best choices. Learning to make priorities. Learning what is right for ourselves. And possibly most importantly, learning to ask for help when we need it.

End Trigeminal Neuralgia  http://endtn.blogspot.co.uk/



Treat ‘you’ the way you want others to treat ‘you!
~ what you eat will determine your health
~ how much you move will determine IF you will be able to move later on
~ what you say to yourself determines how you project yourself to others
~ how you act shows others your values and your morals

The BEST Fruit Salad ~ Oh yeah!!

You can substitute the fruits you like if some of these aren’t your favorites… BUT… this recipe is just so good!  I saw this on Prego and Mommy Chat page, but have made this for years ~ YUMMY!!!


The Best Fruit Salad in my opinion!

1 (29 ounce) can peach slices
1 (20 ounce) can pineapple chunks
1 (3 1/8 ounce) box dry vanilla instant pudding mix 
1 lb of strawberries, (quartered)
1 banana, (sliced)
1/2 pint blueberries
1 bunch grapes (I use the red ones)
1 -2 tablespoon sugar (optional)

In a large bowl, combine peaches, pineapples, and vanilla pudding mix. This includes the juices from the cans. Mix well until pudding is dissolved. Stir in strawberries, banana, blueberries, grapes, and sugar if desired. Chill.

Stress…what’s stress?? I’m NOT STRESSED!!!

Stress...what's stress?? I'm NOT STRESSED!!!

Our health depends on our over-all well being, NOT just our diet and exercise routines! When I am stressed, my trigeminal neuralgia kicks into HIGH gear and doesn’t let up for a while ~ I recently had to have my gallbladder removed (like so many others I have heard of since my diagnosis and surgery)… Correlation?? Definitely! Does any of this look familiar to you??

Spicy Garlic Chicken Skewers

Chicken skewers are SO versatile ~ marinaded meat will be tender and each bite so favorful!  Can you imagine how wonderful tofu would be too!  YUM!! If you want to do veggies in this, do not marinate with the chicken, do separately and make shish-kabob’s for the grill ~ try with beef strips and seafood too!! Okay, hungry now!!


Spicy Garlic Chicken Skewers

5 Chicken breast cut into strips
2T Chili Garlic Sauce (found in most Asian markets)
1/2 cup of Sweet Soy Sauce (found in most Asian markets)
1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup brown sugar
~Cut chicken into strips
~Mix all other ingredients together
~Pour half of mixture over chicken strips and set aside to marinate
~Use other half of sauce of the dipping sauce when finished
~When chicken is done marinating skewer it on bamboo picks
~Bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes or until chicken reaches 165 degrees
Serve with the dipping sauce

via Entertain With Ease

Allergies bothering you?? Try this!!

Allergies bothering you?? Try this!!

Allergies bothering you?? Solution: CLEAN YOUR MATTRESS

Even if you change your sheets and pillowcases weekly, chances are you haven’t thought about how to clean a mattress lately. Dust and dust mites accumulate in our bedding very quickly and can cause anywhere from mild to severe allergic reactions. Getting rid of dust mites is an ongoing battle and one effective way to fight them is to keep your mattress and bedding clean. Below are simple steps to help you clean your mattress on a regular basis.

Here’s how:
1.Pour about 1 cup of baking soda into a Mason jar & drop in 4 drops of lavender ESSENTIAL OIL.
2.Put on lid & shake jar. Using a kitchen strainer, sprinkle the baking soda mixture all over the mattress & let it sit for an hour or more.
3.Thoroughly vacuum the mattress.

Bye, bye dust mites, & other nasty things. The baking soda helps draw up any moisture & deep dirtiness. It deodorizes & leaves the mattress smelling fresh & clean ADDED BONUS: Lavender helps to promote a restful and peaceful sleep! YEAH! 🙂

Windows…the EASIEST way to clean them!!

Windows...the EASIEST way to clean them!!


This is the best way EVER to clean your windows…
NO DRYING is needed, and you won’t have any spots or streaks on your window!

You can clean 2 big sliding glass doors and 8 large windows in minutes!!!

Here are the ingredients you need to use:
1/2 gallon warm water
1 Tablespoon of liquid “Jet Dry” (Finish Rinse Aid)
2-3 Tablespoons of liquid laundry detergent or dish washing soap
Mix all of the ingredients above.
Spray your windows down with your hose to get them wet then wipe or brush on the solution onto your windows, then immediately hose it off.
That’s all there is to it and you’re done.
The remaining water just sheets off and you don’t need to dry it off!

To use in a spray bottle for inside use.
2 cups of warm water. 2 teaspoons of “finish” rinse aid. 2 teaspoons dish washing liquid.
Shake well and use. THAT’S IT! We know these ingredients clean and leave a spot free finish, so why wouldn’t they work on our windows??!! YEAH!!